What's Going On
Evanolott commented on slide_027 of Optimization ()

what's the hessian inverse?

idkLinearAlgebra commented on slide_045 of Intro to Animation ()

Same with above. Whole curve could changes if change a control point.

idkLinearAlgebra commented on slide_032 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

This sounds like we need to recurse to u0...

idkLinearAlgebra commented on slide_014 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

Why we can just add Dtime and Dspace like that?

idkLinearAlgebra commented on slide_026 of Optimization ()

Can we use dynamic step length?

idkLinearAlgebra commented on slide_020 of Dynamics and Time Integration ()

Though the equation is simple for signle particle, won't it be burdensome when scale up to a level?

jesshuifeng commented on slide_035 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

all 0

weitingt commented on slide_006 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

agree lol

seven commented on slide_003 of Dynamics and Time Integration ()


jin commented on slide_067 of Intro to Geometry ()

Is this the most commonly used scheme for subdivision?

jin commented on slide_034 of Intro to Geometry ()

Is this commonly used to represent fluids? This looks like how two water drops will combine together.

jin commented on slide_033 of Depth and Transparency ()

Pre-multiplying stores the background color as black, not green. In the non-premultiplied version, the upsampled alpha includes the greener region at the edge.

jin commented on slide_053 of Depth and Transparency ()

What does "raw graphics horsepower" exactly referring to here?

Yes I buy it! It makes sense geometrically.

Why are we scaling to size 2 in the matrix?

uap commented on slide_035 of The Rendering Equation ()

cosines could also be calculated using dot product

uap commented on slide_019 of The Rendering Equation ()

metallic materials absorb some light and hence the change of color in reflected light

uap commented on slide_007 of The Rendering Equation ()

scattering function helps model material

uap commented on slide_018 of Radiometry ()


haotingl commented on slide_023 of Dynamics and Time Integration ()


haotingl commented on slide_003 of Dynamics and Time Integration ()


alexz2 commented on slide_013 of Dynamics and Time Integration ()

I hope this thing won't be tested on the final

uap commented on slide_028 of Radiometry ()

negative dot product

alexz2 commented on slide_046 of Intro to Animation ()

This Catmull is much better than the last Catmull algorithm lol

uap commented on slide_076 of Drawing a Triangle ()

Binary search? Quadtree like structure?

uap commented on slide_045 of Drawing a Triangle ()

I wonder if the Canny edge detector is doing something similar

uap commented on slide_015 of Vector Calculus ()

The sign probably shows whether the volume is increasing or decreasing

uap commented on slide_002 of Vector Calculus ()

Gilbert Strang lectures on Linear Algebra

uap commented on slide_042 of Linear Algebra ()


uap commented on slide_038 of Linear Algebra ()

Are linear maps like affine transforms?

uap commented on slide_026 of Linear Algebra ()


uap commented on slide_013 of Linear Algebra ()

Is the magnitude of a function similar to the magnitude of a vector?

Koke_Cacao commented on slide_047 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

Yesterday I saw someone implement a similar thing in the game demo fairs

Koke_Cacao commented on slide_049 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

Will there be SIGGRAPH lecture slides?

jesshuifeng commented on slide_022 of Meshes and Manifolds ()

how to decide which halfedge the vertex will store?

jesshuifeng commented on slide_031 of Meshes and Manifolds ()

hash table

jesshuifeng commented on slide_019 of Meshes and Manifolds ()


aabedon commented on slide_037 of Numerical Integration ()

What would be the best way to sample this?

aabedon commented on slide_018 of Numerical Integration ()

Double integral

aabedon commented on slide_031 of Optimization ()

How would this be done in the context of Scotty3D?

aabedon commented on slide_026 of Optimization ()

How do we know if oscillation will occur?

aabedon commented on slide_019 of Dynamics and Time Integration ()

Is this ever actually used?

aabedon commented on slide_015 of Dynamics and Time Integration ()

But aren't there lots of differential equations that are not solvable. Does that necessarily imply that the system is "chaotic".

aabedon commented on slide_026 of Intro to Animation ()

That right photo is difficult to understand what is happening. Although it does give off that something turbulent is happening with lots of motion.

aabedon commented on slide_025 of Intro to Animation ()

b and c move for me but not a

atomicapple0 commented on slide_049 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

the lecture slides

atomicapple0 commented on slide_035 of Physically-Based Animation and PDEs ()

may not have a nontrivial solution