Just how the cross product between two vectors yields the area of a parallelogram, when adding a third dimension, the geometric interpretation of a triple cross product would be the volume of a parallelepiped.
Because all three terms are crossing the same norm vectors together, the magnitude of each term is the same. Each of the cross products between any two of w, u, v will be pointing up. The third cross product causes all of the vectors to be facing perpendicularly outward from w, u, v, respectively. Since the three sides altitudes meet at a point, the second cross product in each term will emerge from the same point. Since they all have the same magnitude, the terms cancel
I learned to memorize Lagrange's identity as ABC = BAC - CAB
Just how the cross product between two vectors yields the area of a parallelogram, when adding a third dimension, the geometric interpretation of a triple cross product would be the volume of a parallelepiped.
Because all three terms are crossing the same norm vectors together, the magnitude of each term is the same. Each of the cross products between any two of w, u, v will be pointing up. The third cross product causes all of the vectors to be facing perpendicularly outward from w, u, v, respectively. Since the three sides altitudes meet at a point, the second cross product in each term will emerge from the same point. Since they all have the same magnitude, the terms cancel
I learned to memorize Lagrange's identity as ABC = BAC - CAB