RGB is the color space where the primaries are the monochromatic primaries in the color matching experiment.
That matrix defines the conversion of a color from a representation in terms of the monochromatic primaries in the color matching experiment into the corresponding representation in terms of the XYZ primaries.
So CIE RGB is a new color space that is used to reduce the storage cost. Is that right?
Sorry, @whdawn, I don't understand the question. Could you clarify. Reducing the storage cost compared to what?
I mean why do we use CIE RGB instead of RGB. Is CIE RGB saves more space to store than RGB?
What is CIE RGB?
RGB is the color space where the primaries are the monochromatic primaries in the color matching experiment.
That matrix defines the conversion of a color from a representation in terms of the monochromatic primaries in the color matching experiment into the corresponding representation in terms of the XYZ primaries.
So CIE RGB is a new color space that is used to reduce the storage cost. Is that right?
Sorry, @whdawn, I don't understand the question. Could you clarify. Reducing the storage cost compared to what?
I mean why do we use CIE RGB instead of RGB. Is CIE RGB saves more space to store than RGB?