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This stuff is obviously more advanced than what we'll get to in class, but my question is how much more advanced is it? I can't even imagine how one would even start making things like this. A lot of it also seems to be related to AI, is that common these days?


How is the "flat lattice of thin flexible shapes" forming a "complex 3d structure" project related to computer graphics? Seems to me the researchers just showed a proof of concept made in real life but not on a computer. Did a computer aid in creating that lattice? Is it that it can be modeled easily on a computer since it can be made in real life?


This was mindblowing to watch. Computer graphics seems very powerful in creating realistic simulations, but this must come with great responsibility to the audience and those whose data is used in creating these simulations. What are some common ethical constraints and issues faced when creating computer graphics simulations?


In order to simulate the real world, I would imagine that the laws of physics/thermodynamics/fluid mechanics are highly involved. When making these projects, how are these laws incorporated into the creation and are scientists involved in the projects too?