Does the regular vertex degree also affect how textures can be applied to polygon shapes?
Does regularity infer that the sampled faces' normal are close to the original face's normal?
How do we determine whether the subdivision is 'okay'?
Are there ever cases where we want some higher degree vertices? (Like if we might want more detail in a specific area of the mesh) Or would it be worth the extra computation to compute the mesh with larger polygons in this case
Would you please provide a more mathematics define of "good" and "bad" ...
Is there any bad degree that could also have good subdivision
Is it preferable to have meshes with a uniform vertex degree or is it typical/ok for meshes to contain varying vertex degrees?
How is subdivide performed? Why is there some wrinkles and extra lines on the picture on the right?
Does the regular vertex degree also affect how textures can be applied to polygon shapes?
Does regularity infer that the sampled faces' normal are close to the original face's normal?
How do we determine whether the subdivision is 'okay'?
Are there ever cases where we want some higher degree vertices? (Like if we might want more detail in a specific area of the mesh) Or would it be worth the extra computation to compute the mesh with larger polygons in this case
Would you please provide a more mathematics define of "good" and "bad" ...
Is there any bad degree that could also have good subdivision
Is it preferable to have meshes with a uniform vertex degree or is it typical/ok for meshes to contain varying vertex degrees?
How is subdivide performed? Why is there some wrinkles and extra lines on the picture on the right?