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If I'm not mistaken, the quadedge data structure seems to be superior when you don't really care about the vertices of your mesh. It seems that way for me, because traveling face-to-face is just traversing an edge (finding a neighbor) in this representation; however, going from one vertex to the next would be like traveling from a "face" of your representation over an edge to another "face".


Are non-halfedges ever used in practice? If so, what is a good example?


I still feel like you can use corner tables to represent non-manifolds. I guess it has something to do with how exactly we represent a corner. Don't we need at least 2 edges to define a corder?


@Phlip9 There are certainly situations in which one may not want to use a halfedge data structure. For example, the halfedge datastructure is unable to represent certain geometries, such as a Mobius strip or a Klein bottle, even though these are manifolds. The reason is due to problems that arise when dealing with non-orientable surfaces. There are other alternate data structures (e.g., quadedge) that can handle such geometry.

@hesper Here is the paper that proposed corner tables. It is designed for manifold (and orientable) meshes, but can be extended to support certain non-manifold meshes "through minor modifications".