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Should the texture minification become burry as well? Since it's a average.


I don't think so. The difference here is between averaging/pooling and interpolation.

In minification, you're averaging data that is already there, so as you "zoom" out, there's no loss of data. In magnification, blurring happens because you're interpolating to get values that were never there before.

Correct me if my explanation seems wrong-- it's an attempt to try and explain my intuition.


I agree: with texture minification you do still use bilinear interpolation to get the value of a single sample, but as you move from one screen pixel to the next the location of that sample is making a huge jump in texture space. So you don't see the blurring caused by bilinear interpolation, like you do with magnification.

Instead, you see a different kind of artifact: aliasing of high-frequencies, which shows up as "crawling" when the surface is in motion. Basically as the geometry moves around, the sample location is again jumping, almost randomly, from feature to feature on your texture.