Quiz 14: Grazing Cow

In class we discussed the "N dot L" local shading model, which is perhaps the simplest way to give a surface some sense of depth. We can add a little bit more visual sophistication by adding a fresnel term, where rays of light hitting the surface at grazing angles (i.e., directions almost orthogonal to the normal) experience a strong specular reflection.

Your task is to write any (hopefully short!) piece of code that computes an N-dot-L term plus a fresnel-like term. This code assumes a "grayscale" color model, i.e., just a single value giving the intensity of the result; you do not have to worry about color. Your code does not have to be physically or radiometrically accurate! However, it does have to produce the desired effect: rays at grazing angles yield brighter values. You may assume that any ray that reflects off the surface immediately hits a "pure white sky" with a brightness value of 1; you do not have to consider occlusion (i.e., shadows) or indirect lighting (i.e., bounces off other surfaces). The main things we want you to think about are:

  • Concretely, how do I compute the light (L), eye (E), normal (N), and reflected (R) vectors from the given data? Here you should give concrete expressions, not rough intuition. [Hint: these can be found in the slides!]

  • Given this data (L, E, N, R), how do I cook up some shading function that captures the very basic behavior of Lambert's cosine law and fresnel reflection. [Hint: you should not have to think deeply about things like BRDFs and radiometric quantities; just some very simple vector geometry.]

double shadeCow( Vec3 hitPosition,   // position in space where the ray hits the surface
                 Vec3 hitNormal,     // unit surface normal at hit location
                 Vec3 lightPosition, // location of point light
                 Vec3 eyePosition )  // location of observer
   // TODO: compute N, L, E, R

   // TODO: add the N-dot-L term (hint: see lecture on radiometry)

   // TODO: add the fresnel term (hint: see lecture on the rendering equation,
   //       and think about *any* function at all that might produce a
   //       fresnel-type effect; it doesn not have to be physically accurate)

   // TODO: make sure to return the final value!

To hand in, print out your code (or write it by hand if you like...). Make sure to include your AndrewID.

You should also write a brief explanation for WHY your fresnel term produces the right kind of behavior.